The experience here has been wonderful. The people I have had the opportunity to meet have been some of the most intelligent, honorable and hard-working people that I know. Their experiences and stories have, at times, let me know how lucky I that I am. And at times, they let me know that what I have materially and especially, those whom I hold dear to me are more than precious.
Since Session 251 has started, one man lost his mother, one man lost his dear cousin, and today, a woman lost her fiancé. I cannot imagine their loss and their sorrow.
As hard as we work on being the best that we can as law enforcement officers, regardless of our oaths, our allegiances to our countries, and our dedication to this calling, we cannot forget to constantly thank God for our loved ones and what they do to support us, on a daily basis.
Please keep my brothers and sister in your thoughts and prayers, as they mourn their losses.
I love you and thank-you for all you do for me, Jackie.
I love you and thank-you for all you do for me, Jackie.
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