Sunday, September 30, 2012

Settling In

I lied. A run will not do me good. Let me rephrase that. Running, as a cardiovascular activity is a good thing, and in the long term, will do me good. It was just that at 6:30 a.m. on the Academy track, I was not feeling that it was doing me anything but harm. I did it anyway. I ran for thirty minutes, at a nice leisurely pace. Deer walked out onto the grass surrounding the track and watched. I know when I turned my back they were mocking me, but that will change as the training comes...

Breakfast was great. Got to sit and eat with a guy from North Dakota, a guy from Minnesota and a guy from Michigan. Like last night, this is a good crowd and I am certainly humbled to be here.

I am doing laundry this morning. Washers and dryers are free to use. One just has to supply their own cleaning supplies. Very nice touch.

Spent the remainder of the morning and afternoon getting better organized and exploring the complex. I may never get to see everything here in eleven weeks.

After dinner tonight, there was a short mandatory homeroom meeting, followed by the first entire session meeting in the auditorium. My section has only one female, but we have ten of the twenty-nine international attendees.

In the session meeting, we were welcome by the Unit Chief for the FBI Academy, the international attendees were asked to stand and recognized (what a varied and great group of men and women!), and we saw a DVD on what to expect. I still haven't got a chance to meet any of my fellow Oklahomans, but maybe I'll bump into them tomorrow.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Check In

Got up this morning, ate breakfast and headed out like a baby. It was only about a forty-five minute drive to the FBI Academy from Thornburg. I had no problem finding the academy and the reception area. The complex here is large and confusing, at first. I am certain, though, that I will be able to navigate with ease, soon.

I am rooming with a guy from the Ludington, MI Police Department. Ironic that I was born and raised in Michigan and now my room mate is from my birth state. One of our suite mates is from Hawaii and the other is from Colorado. Colt from Colorado came to Tulsa a couple of times recently for the national SWAT competition, held at the USSA, adjoining the Tulsa Police Training Division. It sure is a small world.

There was a tour at 3:00 p.m. of the complex. There was a lot of information packed into that tour. I will be doing a lot of asking for directions in the next couple of weeks.

The cafeteria will reopen soon, and since I have only had a small protein bar since breakfast, I am looking forward to a good, healthy dinner.

Update...The food at the cafeteria was really good. There is a wide selection and the food is tasty.

Went to "The Boardroom" for a couple of beers and the opportunity to meet some more of my fellow classmates. I sat at a table and had good conversations with a Marine Corps Officer, a lieutenant from Detroit P.D., a guy from Florida and my room mate. I am in the company of good people. This will be a great adventure.

We have free time until 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. It will be good to get out, explore and talk with the others in the session. An early run in the morning will do me good.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Closer and Closer

Got up this morning, ate breakfast and left Cookeville, TN en route to Quantico, VA. I must say that eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina are very beautiful. I travelled along I-40 and the Great Smokey Mountains are a beautiful sight to see. The leaves are just beginning to show a hint of Fall colors. The early morning mountain top mist was gorgeous.

You can click on an image to make it larger.

Tonight's stop is in Thornburg, VA, again at a Holiday Inn Express. I am determined to acquire as many smarts from staying here, before I check in tomorrow. My fingers are still crossed that it will work.

I am really looking forward to the experience at the National Academy. I look forward to meeting fellow law enforcement professionals from around the world. I am truly humbled to have the opportunity to attend this training. I appreciate the support from the Tulsa Police Department.

The support, encouragement and love from my wife is the best thing I got before I left. No one is as lucky as I.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Travelling to Quantico

Today was a bittersweet day for me. I was excited to be able to start the journey, but very sad to leave home and leave my wife. I can't deny, it got to us both. We get along great and we don't spend much time apart. We will disagree on this, but I will miss her more.

Only in Arkansas...

You can click on the image to make it larger.

Not much to write about today, just the trip from Broken Arrow, OK to my first overnight stop in Cookeville, TN at the Holiday Inn Express. I think that staying here is supposed to make me smarter. We'll see about that, when classes start.