Friday, September 28, 2012

Closer and Closer

Got up this morning, ate breakfast and left Cookeville, TN en route to Quantico, VA. I must say that eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina are very beautiful. I travelled along I-40 and the Great Smokey Mountains are a beautiful sight to see. The leaves are just beginning to show a hint of Fall colors. The early morning mountain top mist was gorgeous.

You can click on an image to make it larger.

Tonight's stop is in Thornburg, VA, again at a Holiday Inn Express. I am determined to acquire as many smarts from staying here, before I check in tomorrow. My fingers are still crossed that it will work.

I am really looking forward to the experience at the National Academy. I look forward to meeting fellow law enforcement professionals from around the world. I am truly humbled to have the opportunity to attend this training. I appreciate the support from the Tulsa Police Department.

The support, encouragement and love from my wife is the best thing I got before I left. No one is as lucky as I.

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