Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus Day

Well, today was a federal holiday, so no classes today. However, there was plenty to do, organizing for classes, transferring notes, reading, working on a paper for Executive Leadership, getting in a 32.5 minute run, and more laundry. No rest for the wicked. My roommate had spent the weekend in Washington, D.C. with his 17-year-old son. Nice for the two of them to be able to spend some time together and see some of our nation's capitol.

Tomorrow is my section's first organized physical fitness class, so I anticipate that pain and soreness will follow. The emphasis here for physical training is on fitness (cross-fit style training). Wednesday is our session's first group challenge, 'You ain't in Kansas anymore.' It is a 1.8 mile (10 minute/mile pace) group run. All will start together and all are expected to finish together. The emphasis for these challenges is teamwork and cohesiveness. Our session seems to have gelled quite nicely. Wednesday will tell.

Not much else to write about. I am certain that as time goes on, the daily blogging will cease and weekly blogging will take it's place. I'll hang in there, as long as I can and as long as time allows.


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