Saturday, October 27, 2012

Week Four is History

Today marks the final day of week four. It was a good and challenging week. Classes were awesome (Thanks to Dr. David Matsumoto for being so kind to come here and teach us his lessons on facial micro expressions, gestures and emblems) and the physical training was both great and challenging. For my section (shout out to section #3), we had three P.T. sessions with the incomparable  E.J. and he trained us well. He certainly knows his stuff and knows what we need.

This weekend was the New York City (New York City???) trip for this session. About 105 people went on the trip, but I decided not to go. But, there was a steady, stable, admirable group of us who stayed behind and ran the FBI's "Most Winded" 5k. It was a great run.

Above is an image of those of us in Session 251 who ran the FBI "Most Winded" 5k today. I did it in 28:15. I was shooting for 28:00 or less, but I am not disappointed. That computes to a 9:05 minute mile. There's more running ahead of me, and I know that I'll get faster. Below are the graphics from the nice performance style long-sleeve t-shirt for the participants. Pretty nice, if you ask me.

Reading, studying, laundry, paper writing and shopping lie ahead for the remainder of the weekend. 

In the words of my friend, Ice Cube, "Today was a good day."

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