Well, we got back to some semblance of order today. We had our challenge, after two days off with cancelled classes, courtesy of Hurricane Sandy. The challenge for today was named, "The Cyclone." The session met in the gym and we did a twenty minute circuit. It sounds easy and simple, but for some of us, it sure was a workout. There were six circuit stations set up. Each section started at a station and proceeded clockwork around the circuit. Each circuit stop lasted 40 seconds with a 15 second "rest" in between (In reality, the rest consisted of going to the next station and preparing to start; there was hardly anytime to 'rest.'). The stations were: (1) ten bodyweight speed squats/ten lunges/ten squat jumps, (2) mountain climbers or rotating hip floor touches, (3) T-pushups, (4) burps or squat thrusts, (5) tension band exercises (bent-over squat rows or chest expanders), and (6) skater hops. We did each circuit four times. That took twenty minutes to complete and trust me, most of us were fatigued when we finished. Twenty minutes never seemed so long. I keep telling myself what I know is true: I need this and it IS good for me...
In the afternoon, we elected a class speaker. Maj. Mark Bailey, USMC was elected and will represent us proudly on graduation day. Our enrichment speaker, Bobby Smith, Louisiana State Police was cancelled, due to Hurricane Sandy, but he was booked for a later night, so we will not lose out on his excellent story.
Our regular schedule resumes tomorrow. That is a welcome thought.
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